Our first mission was to bring a new style to Tarmac’s visual offerings. Something that didn’t shy away from the hard working, gritty nature of what they do - but that could be contrasted with the warm of home life and keyworker scenes.
We wanted to create a central Tarmac night worker character who would drive the narrative forward. It was decided this would be a casted actor and their family. This would give us more control over the scenes and work with the actor to better drive home the emotions we want the viewer to feel.
Safety was a core concern for all parties involved. As this was to be created in the height of COVID’s lockdown, and we’d be attending real Tarmac working sites - it was of utmost importance to us to ensure all staff and crew were comfortable and safe throughout.
(Might not be needed)
The film is split between a Tarmac Quarry, home, and a few key worker scenes in their relevant locations.

Tarmac is a household name when it comes to construction and manufacturing of building materials. Much of their operations are vital to infrastructure that keeps the country moving.
This required 24 hour work, and Tarmac wanted to honour their staff, along with the rest of the key worker night shift heroes.
This would double as their brand Christmas film, so we needed to ensure it had a festive feel.